Wednesday, February 15, 2006

links to make you think

Jay Small shares his experiences with ads...Jay's been blogging since '02, is a noted journalist and media I said, no guarantees

JD's got a link to a cheeky piece in Wired on making money from blogs. Advice: don't quit your day job. But if you really want to, try blogging about finance and sex. How about financial sex?? Or find a way to make finances sexy...

Terry Heaton's $.02 on the NYMag article. Here's his take on blogging(that's *so* right in *so* many ways: "Here in Nashville, for example, we have a vibrant blogging community, and that's exactly what it is. We talk about the news. We talk about life. We talk about pets and sports and spouses and shopping and who's doing what to whom. I can think of only one local blogger whose goal may have been to make the A-list, and I think that's probably representative of the blogosphere as a whole."

Steve Outing at Poynter parses out the Technorati 100--and if you're young and Japanese or Chinese (12/100) you've got just as good a chance of hitting the top as you might if you blog about politics (14/100). Apparently the Japanese and Chinese kids are going to take over the world, so no matter what the rest of us old folks blog about, we have probably no chance of breaking that top 100. oh well, such is life...



Average Jane said...

I think there are more Japanese and Chinese kids in the word - thus the skewing of the data.

*gives the finger to Asia*

[kidding of course - I mean, mostly - who can forgive them for Pokemon?]

Tish Grier said...

I think it's all the Pokemon kids growing into adolescence. who knows what's going to happen over here in the next few years when the Western version of the Poekemon curve catches up with Asia.

Perhaps will rule the world after all.