Thursday, March 16, 2006

I get back from SXSWInteractive and my excellent co-panelist Grace Davis emails to tell me that I'm quoted in Time Magazine's Blogwatch column.

how about that?? somebody in High Places kinda likes me I guess!


ohdawno said...

Wow, congrats! Hey, don't forget us little people, now... :-)

Tish Grier said...

d & s...

yep, I kinda see it as a mixed blessing....because there's no hyperlink. what I think they did was simply lift it from the printed text. There are some big problems going from dead-tree text to web, and that's one of them (aside from the fact that there may be some un-understanding of the significance of linking). but i did a search under Snarkaholic, and I come up as the #1 hit on all the big people will be able to find me if they want.

as far as getting a big head goes--I doubt that's possible for me. All that theological education...