Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'm off to Bar Harbor for a few days of hiking and clean, fresh air. I may be posting while up there, but I'm debating the mertis of further cluttering my brain while I'm supposed to be airing it out. :-)


Tom said...

Don't you dare post from up there! Some of us want to live vicariously through your radio silence, confident in the fact that someone we know is too busy enjoying the majesty of Acadia in the autumn to be fiddling around with the blogosphere. Rest assured, there'll be plenty of time to kvetch about Jeff Jarvis and the A-List after you've had your fill of wild Maine blueberries, lobsters, and balsam pillows. Enjoy!

(We're not going to make it up that way ourselves this Fall, something I'm kind of bummed about because it's been an annual tradition for years now. Stupid graduate school...)

Mac said...

I'm so terribly jealous! I adore Bar Harbor, and fall is a lovely time to be there.