Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blogging WOMMA: the Last Day

Wednesday, Dec 13. 5:08pm I'm exhausted. Three days of information--some of that number-related--and networking. I think I still have a voice, but I'm not sure. I know my brain's in the process of a nuclear-style meltdown from all the stimulus and I can't wait to sleep on the plane....which isn't until 9:15pm.

I'd planned to liveblog some of the sessions of the con, but the free wifi was awful and I didn't want to pony up the 20 bucks a day for the good one (that is, if I *could* pick up the good one--there was no guarantee.)

I've come to expect crappy wifi at most cons I'm at--even strictly tech and blogging cons--because most places just don't boost the signal enough.

Such is high tech life in a medium-tech world...

and my suitcase is twice as heavy as it was before I left. Must be all the books. That's the great thing about marketing cons--all the "smart" schwag.

Will blog much more about the con tomorrow...

oh, spoke to a Georgetown student last night about online communities and newspapers. Will have more on that too...

off to dinner. ...

1 comment:

Tish Grier said...

my sense is that when groups who never thought of liveblogging a conference *start* liveblogging their conferences, then we'll get the wifi we need....until then, well, we're the cutting edge guys dealing with dull swords :-)